DIY Wedding: Wooden Cake Topper Couple

ImageThese wooden cake toppers were so much fun to make . . . and much easier than I thought.  In fact, they took only a couple of hours to complete! These toppers were the perfect fit for our delicious 3 tiered (yet modest) cake ;-)  Plus, it was a great way to save some money on a personalized topper, because these toppers can be a little pricey if you commission out the job!

I looked at just about every craft store for the little wooden people, but was not able to find any (at least, not in the right size).  The only reasonably priced ones I could find were on Etsy.  I also picked up a cheap set of acrylic paints and THIN paint brushes at Hobby Lobby. 

ImageThe key to making these toppers is to lightly stencil in your drawing on the wood before putting down the paint (unless you really want to just wing it!).  I took it an extra step and made a quick 2-D sketch beforehand because I’m lousy at drawing and I didn’t want to do much erasing on the wood.  Then, I used very thin brushes and layer on the paint.  If you make small mistakes you can just take a little piece of sandpaper to “erase” the errors, but if it’s a BIG error, you might have to start again, so my advice would be to add the paint little by little.  Oh, and if you’re impatient like me then you’ll be happy to know that the paint dries pretty quick :-)
